Business Central upgrade

upgrade Business Central

Your Business Central is continuously upgraded to the latest versions (if you have Cloud) by Microsoft. If you do not have Cloud, we can help you with an ongoing upgrade.

Either way, you can't learn all back in your chair. You need to keep in mind that your apps, customizations, and integrations also need to be maintained and upgraded. Fortunately, we can help you with this at twoday RelateIT - and you can let go of worries so that your ERP solution always works as it should. 


If you are running on an on-premise, where you have your Business Central on a server at home or with a hosting provider, it is also important that you upgrade your solution to the latest version. It doesn't happen all by itself, but we can help you with that at twoday RelateIT. Once you're upgraded to the latest version, you'll enjoy the new features that come with it. You're up to date on compliance – and your solution communicates well with your Power apps and Power BI.


upgrading cycle from Microsoft

During a one-year upgrade cycle, Microsoft releases minor upgrades every month and two major ones every six months. The major upgrades are in April and October, respectively, where you get access to new features and various fixes that constantly make your work and your everyday life easier. All of this benefits you, so you have the latest and most secure version of Dynamics 365 Business Central. 

Since add-ons, customizations, and extensions are outside BC and are not coded in the core, it is easier to upgrade than it was before. But here is a slight "flip side" to the coin because there can be inconsistencies with your external apps, customizations, and integrations if they are not up-to-date as well. It all goes hand in hand, so upgrading Business Central Cloud requires upgrading your other extensions, and we can help you with the ones we have developed for you. 

Upgrading business central gives you security

If you are running on the latest version of Business Central, you make sure that your security around data is at its highest so you avoid unpleasant security risks. Unfortunately, this is something that many companies relax on, but if you are first hit by IT security breaches and illegal intrusion, it can have serious consequences for the business. Security is, therefore, one of many benefits of upgrading to Business Central Cloud. 

Why it is important to upgrade your extensions

It is important to you that you upgrade your customizations to keep operations and workflows running smoothly on all fronts. It is your own responsibility to ensure that your adjustments are up to date, and this does not happen automatically. 

Fortunately, twoday RelateIT can help you if you sign up for an extension subscription. All you have to do is focus on your work and throw your worries over your shoulder - and we make sure that your extensions, developed by twoday RelateIT, are up to date.

Read more here

We make sure your extensions are up to date

Monthly status check

We check the status of your extensions once a month

Continuous adjustments

We continuously adjust so that your extensions are up to date

modify Business Central

We make sure your customizations match the latest version of BC

Safety and security

No worries, and your operation and safety are at their highest

Did you know that you can meet many requirements in the new bookkeeping law, which will come into force in 2024, by using Continia's products for your Business Central?