Our Units
replaces the entire ERP package

Was locked into closed IT system

Our Units makes trousers for men and women and wants to change the way of thinking about fashion and at the same time meet both current trends and their customers. Their previous IT system was a major obstacle for them, and they were 'locked in' in a box where it was time-consuming and expensive to challenge the way of doing things. It was unsustainable to be on an old standard solution because they could not take new opportunities into the business in a flexible way.
"The more we wanted, the more it became clear that it was a huge obstacle for us. We had to spend a lot of money every time we had to connect a new technology or a new system, and we had to code a lot and spend a lot of time."
Kristoffer Julin, Finance Manager at Our Units
Today, Our Units, on the other hand, have a completely new IT system and an industry-specific solution with FaVa, which provides enormous flexibility and, thus, freedom that they have never experienced before. Our Units have, so to speak, become flying with FaVa as they have moved their systems into the Cloud, and can now see all their possibilities at slightly higher altitudes.
FaVa is a so-called best-of-breed solution that integrates several different solutions into one unified solution for the fashion industry. Our Units benefit from that. With FaVa, our units now have complete control over everything from design in Delogue, sales in Colect to a golden overview with Microsoft Power BI – and all integrated via FaVa and the central Microsoft Business Central Cloud.

FaVa provides flexibility and opens the door of opportunity

Finance Manager Kristoffer Julin talks about their new everyday life with FaVa connected to their Business Central Cloud solution:
"In the fashion industry, we have a huge need to be able to manage variants on a more complicated level in order not to give ourselves too much work. With FaVa, we meet our needs in connection with variant management, and it is a flexible solution that is integrable with other solutions, all of which help feed our business."
Kristoffer Julin, Finance Manager at Our Units
- What appealed to us about FaVa was the best-of-breed mindset, where we have as simple a financial system as possible and connect FaVa on top, which makes it ideal for us in the fashion industry. We can choose the other partners who are best at exactly what they do, so we are not locked into a system that handles it all.
For Our Units, FaVa is unique in this sense, as FaVa handles everything from design and variants to sales and financial management. We have solutions and integrations that twoday RelateIT provides, such as Colect, Delogue, Power apps, Power BI, and Shopify. These are systems that are already out there in the industry and that we know work really well.
"We have created and developed exactly the solution that best suits us together with twoday RelateIT, and best of all, we have freedom and flexibility in our business – so we can do what we want in the future. We come from this very locked situation where we had to use the tools that were in a closed ecosystem. But now FaVa gives us the flexibility to choose the best industry solutions and the opportunity to focus on creativity and development in our business."
Kristoffer Julin, Finance Manager at Our Units

Why Our Units chose twoday RelateIT as their Business Central partner

Kristoffer Julin talks about the collaboration:
- We had a strong focus on finding a partner who matched our mindset and who could deliver a flexible solution without being tied to large chrome-plated systems that cannot be replaced. All this meets twoday RelateIT.
"In our work with twoday RelateIT, we feel the values of the customer relationship, and this is what helps to create a good relationship and success with the tasks that twoday RelateIT performs for us. twoday RelateIT thinks of people before IT and doesn't put people in boxes. twoday RelateIT's systems must support people just as our pants must 'support' people. We have a bit of the same mindset, and we are really happy with the collaboration."
Kristoffer Julin, Finance Manager at Our Units

Our Units and twoday RelateIT play ball together – and continue

- It is a big decision to throw ourselves out of replacing the entire ERP package, but we have not regretted it at any time – and we have felt safe throughout the process.
Ina and Henrik from twoday RelateIT are really good at understanding our situation, and they have helped us get things through – and in the right way.
"twoday RelateIT challenges us, and this is one of the things that makes us think in a different way and make good and wise decisions for our business. The dialogue has been very good. I have never felt influenced in my decisions, and I think that twoday RelateIT understands our needs in the industry and is a good sparring partner for us."
- We continue to play ball and have found a partner where we are on the same wavelength.
Even though we are in the early stages, we can clearly feel that our processes are more efficient. The warehouse logistics part has especially moved and become significantly more efficient. We are facing an efficient system, and the future perspective for us and the way we work and can service our customers is really good. We look forward to seeing what the future holds, and even though the systems are implemented, we continue the good ball game.